The constant pool contains the constants associated with the class or interface defined by the file.
Constants are stored in the constant pool.
literal strings
final variable values
fully qualified names of classes and interfaces
field names and descriptors
method names and descriptors
Symbolic references to all types, fields, and methods used by a type are stored in the constant pool
it plays a central role in the dynamic linking of Java programs
The constant pool is organized as a list of entries. A count of the number of entries in the list, constant_pool_count, precedes the actual list, constant_pool.
For quick object creation. Just get one from pool if it exists, otherwise create one in the pool
The runtime constant pool is a subset of the method area , different to heap memory for “new” object creation
Wrapper classes of primitive (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Character, Boolean, no Float and Double) are implemented the constant pool.
Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Character only create constants object in pool when value (-128~127]
default range (-128, 127]
high can be configured when VM init by property java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high property, but MAX is Integer.MAX_VALUE
All literal strings and string-valued constant expressions are interned.
String.intern() // get from pool if exists or add this new String object to the pool
>>> a=258;print hex(id(a)) 0x6000838f8 >>> b=258;print hex(id(b)) 0x60007bfd8 >>> a is b False >>> a=-6;print hex(id(a)) 0x60007c008 >>> b=-6;print hex(id(b)) 0x6000838f8 >>> a is b False >>> a=37;print hex(id(a)) 0x600028c40 >>> b=37;print hex(id(a)) 0x600028c40 >>> a is b True
>>> a=1001;b=1001;print hex(id(a));print hex(id(b)); a is b; 0x6000838e0 0x6000838e0 True
== golang ==
TBD. The memory model of golang is something differents with other programming language.